Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

auris externa (par)

List navigation
Home page TAH partonomy
Top level organa sensoria Short Extended
Level 2 organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended
Current level auris externa (par) Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
52781 7102 Tax
auris externa (par)
external ear (pair) ; outer ear (pair)
56580 7103 Tax
auricula (par) P4 101 children
auricle (pair) ; pinna (pair)
61734 7146 Tax
external acoustic meatus (pair) ; external auditory canal (pair)
9595 7153 Tax
tympanic membrane (pair) ; ear drum (pair)
layers of tympanic membrane (pair)
5 lines
80.0 %
80.0 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 7102
Sublist 1 0/0 on
Absent signature New value is 0
Sublist 2 0/194041744 on
Absent signature New value is 0
Sublist 3 0/194041744 on
Absent signature New value is 0
Sublist 4 0/194041744 on
Absent signature New value is 0
Sublist 5 0/194041744 on
Absent signature New value is 0
Sublist 6 0/194041744 on
Absent signature New value is 0
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 970208720
Proper children 8
Invalid check Found children: 191
Proper units 1
Invalid check Found units: 64
Invalid signature 3732 ( 21.10.2020)
Date: 28.05.2024